速報APP / 遊戲 / Tolaca Rocks

Tolaca Rocks





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Lima Perú

Tolaca Rocks(圖1)-速報App

Hungry? Pig out with Tolaca, the cool caveman with ‘tude!

Think he’s cute? Watch out!

You know what they say—you are what you eat.


• A never before seen, addicting puzzle mechanic

• Comic character and outstanding graphics

• Free play through 140 levels in 7 prehistoric worlds

• Sonic sound effects

• Original sound track

• Tolaca is good to the last rock!

Tolaca Rocks(圖2)-速報App


Tolaca may look cute, but there’s no doubt he’s a bit of a jerk. This time it was his

insatiable appetite that got him into hot water. When his tribe discovered that he had scarfed

all their winter provisions, he was booted out of the village and told to find some food, pronto!

To succeed, Tolaca has to travel across enemy territory, which has been

blocked with enormous rocks. Fortunately, his tribe’s Shaman took pity on him and provided

him with a powerful mace that can crush rocks.

Unfortunately, the enemy has Shamans, too, and they have cursed some of the rocks.

Step on the wrong rock, and he dies.

Tolaca has to use his wits (and yours) to choose the right routes to the food.

Tolaca Rocks(圖3)-速報App

He may be a bit of a neanderthal, but think of the villagers!

Tolaca Rocks(圖4)-速報App